Press Room

EVENT: January 15, 2020 – The Importance of Stable Funding Streams for Foreign Aid Effectiveness

January 9, 2020

Congress has a long history of bipartisan support for foreign assistance in developing countries. This assistance has led to lasting positive impacts in the lives of millions of people across the world. Significant evidence shows that such development assistance is most effective when funded at relatively stable levels and for multiple years. In contrast, sharp and unexpected reductions in cuts —and even the threat of such cuts — can harm effectiveness and undermine development gains. Please join MFAN, Catholic Relief Services, Publish What You Fund, and The Lugar Center for a panel that will discuss multiple case studies that demonstrate the importance of stability in foreign aid funding and highlight how sudden or drastic foreign assistance cuts can impact the lives of the most poor and vulnerable people in developing countries.

For more examples and statistics demonstrating the importance of stable funding, please find the following case studies presented by our panelists:

CRS: Roadblock on the Journey to Self-Reliance: Budget Cuts, Budget Uncertainty, and Bureaucratic Delays

Publish What You Fund: The Impact of Proposed US Foreign Assistance Cuts (four country case studies)

The Lugar Center: Country Case Studies – successful aid transitions

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